I had a phenomenal weekend. Kate, Steye, Tristan and I decided to go up the west coast and onto Clanwillima to look at the yearly wild flowers. It was so special. We drive to Darling and saw the most amazing wild flowers just growing randomly in a field. Drove on to the West Coast Reserve and saw some more flowers, but the best was on Sunday when we drove over the mountain from Clanwilliam to the Biedouw Valley. There were fields of orange flowers and we stopped and frolicked in the fields. I have photos, but I am a film kinda guy, so have to develop them. In Clanwilliam we stayed in a guesthouse, that was really nice, but very Afrikaans. The decor was a little kitch and flowery, and true to form, out of the two rooms, we got the gayest looking room. It was pink with pink everything, from bedding to lamps to curtains. On our way back we stopped over at "the farm". This is a very special place to me. Last year, while I was going through a very difficult time in my life, I used to go up to the farm and stay there for the weekend with the most amazing people. I was left to do whatever I wanted to and to just unwind and feel safe. Lucca used to come with me and he loved it just as much. He used to go around the farm sniffing and investigating everything. I haven't been there in a few months, but am planning to make return trips there again often from now on. All in all, it was a really good weekend, spent with amazing friends, reconnecting with old friends, and being with Tristan. Then it was Sunday night...
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