Thursday, September 18, 2008


So I want to know what is the meaning and purpose of dreams. I constantly have dreams about weird things and don't know what the hell it means. I am sure there are a few esoterics hanging around the outskirts, waiting to tell me its the universe or some spiritual being telling me something about my subconscious desires that needs to explored, but I am afraid that doesn't cut it for me. I dreamt about driving in Joburg town last night with my mother following me in another car, and then there was a smash and grab behind me and then I left my car and walked to the building I was going to and was very worried about my mom in the car following me. finally got to the building and then my mom was there and I was so happy I cried. So, this is your chance. What is the universe trying to tell me? What are dreams, and what do they mean. Was this dream motivated by an earlier discussion about smash and grabs, or is it something much deeper? Whatever it is, I want to know. I don't like waking up and feeling emotionally drained.

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