Monday, August 18, 2008

Flagging issues

My cousin posted something about flags on his blog, so I decided to chirp in and give my 5c worth. When it comes to the flag, I am pretty clear cut about my opinion. I think the new flag is very pretty. Its a nice design, very African, which we all are, and really colourful. It is however, NOT a national flag. It does not represent the nation, nor can it be taken serious as an international symbol of our freedom. Apart from the few white people with their guilt feelings, there is not much buy in to the new flag. Its just not sophisticated enough. As for our old flag, I understand that there is a hell of a lot of negative feelings towards the flag, because of what it represented (apartheid era). However, this is the one and only flag I grew up with. This is the flag that I knew and learnt about in school. This is a flag with meaning, purpose and a history. It was embraced by people, even the oppressed, who only had an issue with it after we got democracy. This flag had National status and was very sophisticated.

Do we need a new flag? FOR SURE. As much as I love the old flag, I realise that the bastards in charge turned the flag into something vulgar and obscene by using it as their symbol of oppression. There has been too many killed or hurt in the name of the old flag. We can not go on with that flag, and build a harmonious, collective nation.

Is the new flag IT? HELL NO. I think the new flag was chosen in haste and we need a flag that will firstly unite us all, and secondly give us pride to watch it fly in any country overseas. Also it must have some sort of sophistication to it, and some sort of history and meaning. Not just a colourful, African art work.

1 comment:

Darwin said...

Hmmm. I'm torn on this one. I hear what you are saying about the old one. I remember learning the different meanings and history when I as in primary school, and having to draw it over and over again. I wonder if kids today have a stronger sense of identity with the flag than us because they got to learn about it the way we did the old one?

I think the new one is attractive, bold, and distinctive and it certainly makes me feel patriotic (well - sort of, I'm not really wired that way) when I'm abroad and I see one flying.

My Travells