Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Xenophobia continues

Ok so we are proving to be a very giving and forgiving nation.....NOT. After two weeks of fighting and killing and stressful hiding a fleeing that foreign nationals from all over Africa had to do, they finally all got out of the townships, and hiding in police stations and churches, and settles in makeshift refugee camps. So we all thought it was all over now. These people could finally be helped by other South Africans who are the majority and who don't act like these few rogue citizens in the townships. Well that was what we all thought. Now the issue is with the rich. These camps have been set up in the suburbs of more affluent neighbourhoods, because this is where they will be safe. Now the residents wants them out of there, because they now feel these people who have been in South Africa working hard, and have been forced from their homes, beaten and killed, are going to pose a security threat to them and their children. How bourgeoisie of them. Maybe one day, someone, somewhere will actually extend a hand of peace and help to these poor frightened, unsure, unsafe people of Africa and make them feel welcome. And maybe that hand will come from Zimbabwe, coz it sure ain't coming from South Africa.

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