Monday, April 21, 2008

Sunday Reflection

Why is it that Sundays are always a day of reflection and analysis, well at least for me. Spent most of Sunday again going over the weekend that just passed. Asking those silly questions that don't really matter except on a Sunday. Why did I say that, why did I do this, why did nobody take not of me at Gravity, why did Rich have to take de Waal drive home. Most of the answers to these questions always gets me down on a Sunday. What is it about this day that makes us so melancholy and depressed? Why on a Sunday? Maybe its because we have had a whole weekend of laughs and fun and endless indulgence, and now, on the Sunday, the wheel has come around and it is time for our souls to experience the other side of our emotional circle.

Whatever the reason, Sunday is the day of reflection and so far, the result has never been good.

1 comment:

Rikke said...

Sunday used to be a depressing day for me too, getting things ready for school, work, whatever Monday would bring. There is a word for it, Sunday evening blues.
As you say, it's liking coming down from a trip (namely the week end)

My Travells