Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Tattoo

I am off on Saturday to get another tattoo. This will be number three, but this time it is the biggest of the lot. My first one started out about 3cm big on my side, the second is about 10 cm on my back, but this one will be about 20 cm and on my ribs. I can not wait!!! This latest one is going to mean much more to me than any other. Its Arabic writing, and it is the word "Inshallah". It means "by the grace of God". I am getting this, for myself, because I believe that everything in my life happened and happens due to Gods will. The reason why I have chosen the Arabic word, is because for me, there is no other word or phrase in any other language that carries as much power as Ishallah. It is used in the Arabic language as a phrase for every decision, every task every day. Nothing gets done without the Grace of God. So I will keep you all updated on my tattoo and post pics of it during and after. Its going to hurt like hell, but is it going to be very cool. My tattoo attached...

1 comment:

JCLL said...

I am glad you enjoying it.

My Travells