Thursday, October 23, 2008

Natural light

You might think that plants are the only living organisms that need natural light to survive and grow and prosper. Well that is not true. In fact ALL living things need natural light. Especially humans. Studies done in Canada on primary school children have shown that kids in classrooms exposed to natural light show better attendance, because they are healthier. They have better dental records, they grow taller, and have increased concentration. It keeps people calmer and tests done in a Veteran's hospital showed that patients exposed to natural light suffered less depression and healed faster. Natural light also has been shown to reduce eyestrain, increase productivity and even decrease absenteeism in the workplace. It also lifts the spirit and people just function better in natural light filled spaces.

This brings me to my new office. We used to be away from the head office staff in our own office that had so many windows and natural light. It was great. Someone then thought it would be a great idea to move us downstairs to be in the head office, and now we are in an office without a single window in sight. Its depressing, morbid and makes my mood very bad. I have been cranky since we moved down here and its because of the space we are in. I am seriously considering speaking to the big bosses about this issue, as it is affecting my work, my health and my life.


Tristan said...

I think you should buy that speedo and go down to clifton 3rd beach at lunch to do a bit of tanning!

JCLL said...

Yea right!!!! I would rather eat crushed light bulbs, while running the Commerades in high heels, after licking the inside of Ghandi's slip slop....

My Travells