Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I have such a problem with goodbyes, and yet I have to do them every day of my life. When I say goodbye to Tristan at the door, on his way to work, when I have to leave my dogs in their jail, and say good bye to them. What makes my saying good bye even worse is that all the people I say good bye to, always look like I am leaving them forever. Tristan always looks like he is saying goodbye coz I am never seeing him again, and naturally my dogs howl and cry and give me those eyes with the whites....You know the "please don't leave me coz I love you and will never try to eat out of the garbage can again" eyes.... That just tears me apart inside when I get those eyes from them, and that sad looking good bye from Tristan.

It might also be that I am just projecting my sadness about leaving and my abandonment issues onto all of them, and they actually don't even care about going to work and about being left behind....

Not possible Linda.....They all miss and love me and its heartbreaking to leave them behind, or to be left behind.....

1 comment:

Tristan said...

You have an amazing heart...
Goodbyes are always difficult, especially for those that love you.

My Travells