Sunday, July 6, 2008

Another Sunday Night

Here I am. Its another Sunday night and I am getting ready for another Monday which is the start of yet another week. It seems like it takes for ever to get to the weekend, and then there is so little of the weekend to enjoy before its back to the 5 day count down again. Which brings me back to tonight. I am home alone, in the cold and lying in my bed thinking of the great weekend that has just past. Thunder strikes in the distance and a dog starts barking, forcing Leche to seize his inquisitive search for the elusive "whatever" under my bed. Lucca, of course, hasn't moved from his bed.

Its Sunday night. Cold Sunday night. Lonely Sunday night. Retrospective Sunday night. Sunday night before Monday night, and I miss you.

1 comment:

Tristan said...

That thunder was over my head and set off all the car alarms in the street below.

My Travells