Tuesday, January 27, 2009

People in your life

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.

These words by William Shakespeare have never been more true. I was told by a friend a few days ago how she was taught that every single person in your life, relationships both romantic or otherwise, happen with one goal in mind. The people involved in your life are all there to teach you something about life or about yourself. They have lessons that you have to learn about life. They each have a part to play in your life and when that part is done, they move on. Sometimes the part they play is longer than usual and they stay for much longer.

I have had many of these people in my life, and have taken what I can from the experience. I suggest that we all live life in such a way that you learn everything you can from people in your life. They might have loads to teach you.

1 comment:

mrmetzia said...

I love the way you expressed that x :) kitty

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