Tuesday, January 20, 2009


The more interaction I have with people, the more I come to the conclusion that most humans actually belong to the animal species, and they are only pretending to be humans. It absolutely grinds my nipples to see two or three people strolling up a flight of stairs at the rate of one stair every 2 minutes. Now granted, I move faster than most people today, but surely when you see someone flying down the stairs, you make space as you know you are not going as fast as they do, right. NOOOOO !!! Some people will just keep on strolling and they get upset when you push them out of the way so you can get down the stairs. Then there are the drivers on the road, of which I have now spoken about ad nauseam. Driving over two lanes, driving 20 in a 60 zone. I feel like I am on a different planet to the rest of human kind and that every single person (animal) out there is trying to test and piss me off today!!!! But its not working today. I WIN!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with you on the people driving like snails the whole road full. And it gets worse when you have somone driving with you telling you not to over take these people and stay calm.

My Travells