Friday, April 24, 2009

My state of mind

I am in such a foul mood today. I woke up and I suspect it was watching that cheap second rate news channel (e News) that put me in the mood. Seeing how the ANC is just gaining votes again and taking over again. Hearing how Jacob Zooma is saying that the reason they won is because they went out to the people with their policies and not with attacks on the opposition party and leaders. A mistake that Godzilla made over and over again.

This just put me in such a mood that I screamed at my hair in the mirror, and took it upon myself once again to discipline a gentlemen that just drove through a red light. He heard me hoot and saw me swear and scream so he stopped. I was ready to take him on and rolled down my window. he very calmly asked me if I had seen the colour of the light from his side.... I nearly died and said no I am sorry I did not see it. he gave me one look and said: " have a better day", smiled and drove off.

I started the self loathing. I am turning into this bitter, horrible person that tries to correct everybody all the time and I hate it. And I don't think any of my friends qualify to give me advise or raise their opinions here.....

I just need to relax and find a peaceful place. And I have to do something about work.

1 comment:

Cloe said...

Now you get the hang of being stuck in this sick world. Thanks for noticing everyones attitude in this world at last. It won't help you achieve anything by being cross at the whole society, but you are allowed to feel anger. When you get over it you will love everyone again. So just accept your anger and go on.

My Travells