Thursday, August 7, 2008

Working with woman

Before I start this post, I need to make it clear that I am by no means a chauvinistic, woman-hating, pig (sit down Bruce). I just speak from experience, my experience. I have always maintained that I prefer female bosses to male bosses, purely because, well, female bosses aren't offended, or scared of me being gay....Believe me, it happens. However, in the past 6 months, I have changed my tune slightly. The hypotheses is: Female bosses are better than male bosses, providing that the environment in which they rule, are dominated by males. The minute you have a bunch of woman working together, you have chaos. I have never experienced backstabbing, bitching, falseness and the likes, as I have with my current job. I am the only male, amongst 5 females in our company. They ALL talk to me about each other, but when they talk to each other, they tell each other that I said things about them. Also, they are unbelievably bitch and snappy and change from being your best friend one day, to biting your head off the next for asking them to pass the stapler. Then there is the week a month where all of this female hate and backstabbing intensifies, and then there is no way that any sane man can work with that. But the best part is when they decide to exercise their right to be a working mom. They fall pregnant, get UBER bitchy for 8 months, leave for 4 and come back half day, for more money, and still taking days off because of their children. Woman are unproductive when they mate.... This has made me believe that maybe 'someone' was right when they said they believe woman should stay at home and look after children and cook, and leave the office work to men. Again, I don't dislike woman, I just think that the ones I work with now, has jaded me a little.


Tristan said...

As a gay man you are completely within your rights to hate all women. What do we need them for? They don't come to your aid as friends, they ask silly things like lifts to odd, out of the way places and they treat you like dirt most of the time. It's because they don't "want" anything from you so they won't do anything for you. If they were getting sex from you they'd be bending over backwards for your affection and would be conscious of your feelings. And they never stay friends with you for long. That said, I have a soft spot for at least 2 women at the moment, although don't ask me to do anything for them that puts me out. They wouldn't do it for me...

JCLL said...

Thanks, I knew I could count on you... x x x

Darwin said...

I have so been in the same situation, and came to much the same opinion! When I first came out I was so surprised that some of my gay friends literally hate women - I'm slowly swinging to their side, although it will probably be more a cynical distance than hatred...

Good luck - I don't envy you ;-)

Anonymous said...

Am i one of those bitches? When was i false with u? Dont worry, i cant stand the bitches we work with either! Although i do think that we have one poisonous snake amongst us and she befriends u so that later she can use whateva information u shared to stab you in yr ass! Rushana ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hear Hear!!!!! why cant we take time off for our DOGS!!! they our children too Linda

My Travells