Sunday, August 10, 2008

A walk in the clouds

We went walking in the mountains near Kalk Bay today. It was magnificent. All four of us (Lucca, Leche, Tristan and I) were very excited as we love walking in nature and we love the mountains. We walked for about 2 hours and after about an hour both of us started complaining of those darn knees. Found the Spes Bona forest and walked through there. The walk was high up and the scenery was fantastic. On the way back to the car, we were in the shadow of the mountain and after about walking with no shirts on, we quickly remembered it was still winter. Lucca started complaining because he was freezing and before long, secured himself a cosy spot in Tristan's arms. Where I want to be now. This sunday was a good one, ending off with pies and the tea.

1 comment:

Bruce said...

Sounds nice. Can't believe I am missing your two rats on stilts.

My Travells