Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Bed

I like having my bed back again, with just myself, Lucca and Leche in it. It is extremely difficult to try and sleep next to someone while you are constantly conscious of the fact that you want to do anything in the world not to touch them. Believe me, I have done that for two months and don't want to go back there again. But as nice as it is to have that sleeping obstacle out of the way, it would have been 500 times nicer to have my arms around someone, and to wake up tomorrow morning with that someone in my arms. Of course I cant guarantee Lucca and Lechee wont be in the picture, but at least we will hold each other. So I sleep tonight, by myself at the moment (both dogs have decided to join Bruce rather than their own owner), and go through tomorrow at working waiting and hoping for that sleep-in-arm action tomorrow night. Who knows!

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