Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I have always loved the airport. Apart from the obvious fact that being at the airport has always led to some sort of trip or journey I am about to undertake, but also because the airport is a fascinating place where people of all walks of life, and with very different reasons come together in one place. Of course watching them adds to the excitement of being at the airport. There are the serious business men and woman, dressed in their power suits and slicked back hair, busy doing deals on international level which may or may not influence the economic status of some small country in mid Africa. Then there are the not so serious business men, who went on a sales conference to sun city, and is now returning to Bloemfontein after a "lekker" drinking weekend. There are also the inspirational speaker, who is traveling to Cape Town in order to teach a group of people in Noordhoek, how to release the chakra of the fifth eye, in a four day long seminar of meditation, and she is now busy rehearsing her speech on the airport, flash cards and all. Then there is the family of Indians: Mother, father, 2 daughters, 3 sons, the fathers mother, the mothers sister, the sisters cousin, and the uncle who dropped them at the airport. They are all going on holiday to Johannesburg, and packed enough because they may never come back again. There are also the lone travelers, who are on their way to see a lover, a sister, a friend, and are sitting in the furthest corner on a seat with nobody next to them. They are reading a book and have their ipod earphones on.

All these people are here for the same reason. To cram themselves and all their luggage into a long steel cylinder, that will take off on four checkers trolley wheels, and then fly to a destination of their choice. And it is great to watch them deal, panic, talk, cry, sit, read, listen and eat while they eat.

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