In 2001, the USA led a offensive in Afghanistan that overthrew their regime and started the "New Afghanistan" that is now terrorist free. Since then, the US has lost thousands of soldiers there to insurgence that want the US to leave.
My question is this: How many American citizens thinks that it is a good thing that their partners, parents and children are dying in a war that was started by them, and has no factual or real reason for it?
I was watching a program on Discovery channel last night about a remote emergency army hospital in Afghanistan where doctors and nursing staff battle to save the lives of soldiers who get hurt in the war. On the program, one of the nurses said she was there, because she is saving American soldiers, who give up their lives for the people back home.
Now according to me, it is not even remotely as noble as that. The soldiers are there, because some bureaucrats in Washington have lied to the public and the world and because this is the poor soldiers job. Not because they are saving American lives. This is my concern, and again, I hope that many Americans can prove me wrong here (Ginger, step in). Are the Americans really happy and proud of these soldiers who are fighting because they were told to? Are the Americans really convinced that they are doing a noble thing? Are the Americans really convinced that the war is a good thing, and that they should police the entire world.
I know I am rambling on, but it just seems like the American public has stopped fighting for whats right, and are now protecting what they did wrong. It seems like they are trying to convince themselves that their "boys" are in Afghanistan doing the right thing, so they support them, instead of fighting to get them back home and out of harms way where politicians have placed them for the sake of...well I don't really quite know why!!!!
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