Thursday, December 11, 2008

Craig Ewert

This week in Switzerland:

Craig Ewert, a 59 year old man went to a clinic called Dignitas in Switzerland, and decided to die. Dignitas is a clinic where they assist you and your family to commit suicide. Its an assisted suicide clinic. Craig was suffering from motor neurone disease, which is a disease that attacks the neurons which control your motoring skills, including speech, walking, eating etc. He felt that his quality of life was becoming unbearable, and decided to end it.
As usual there are a few issues here that bug me.

How far will Switzerland go to show they are a neutral, new aged country. Do they have to be objective about EVERYTHING. How can they allow clinics that help people to kill themselves to exist. I think its time to put the record straight here. YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER YOUR LIFE. Your life is mapped out by a much greater Mind than yours, and you have no right to change that. Then there is the issue of healing. I can only speak of my own life, and if my family had lived in Switzerland, where it is legal for doctors to kill you, my sister would not be with us today, as she was declared dead in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Imagine what we would have lost. Instead she fought, we fought and the doctors fought for her life, but ultimately, God decided.

There is a need to digress here for a minute. This morning a woman phoned into a local radio station about this, and remarked, like most happy housewives with zero problems, how selfish and cowardly it is to take your own life. You choose the easy way out, and that is cowardly. Again, having been exposed to this situation directly, I don't believe there is anything cowardly about putting a gun to your temple and blowing your brains out, or driving for km's so you can hang from a rope in a tree and slowly watch your life drain away. I can not do it, and that is because I am a coward. I think taking your own life is the least cowardly thing.

My biggest issue in assisted suicides and living wills are that you can say what you want to and do what you want to, in the end it is not up to you. It is pure Inshallah that decides your fate. So go ahead and fly to Switzerland, but if it is not your time, the poison will not work, or they will turn the machine off and you will breath by yourself.


Tristan said...

That's why the death penalty makes no sense to me.

JCLL said...

No, dont confuse the sumbjects. The death penalty is something sactioned by God. If you take a life, you need to give your life. Death penalty is there to keep law and order.

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