Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lucca Update

Lucca is a very strange and interesting animal. He is so gay that EVERYTHING in his life must be a drama. Now that his ears have been taped up, and he cant shake them anymore, so he doesn't have the comfort of the shaking sound, he started to scratch at the bandage, and misses them, and scratches on top of his head. Needless to say that now he has sores on the top of his head. So last night I decided to put the lamp shade on him (the color to prevent him from getting to his head). He hates that and runs around the whole time, until you pick him up and hold him. He is only a little boy and very scared of all these things happening with him. But I know and trust that this will be the best ever. When the time is right and those bandages comes off, the ears will be healed and he will be a happy, vibrant, lively little lamp shade-less dog.

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